Starting Equipment
All starting eqipment is near identical in most aspects. Example, a Human pistol will do as much damage as a Cerian newbie weapon. Reason being is you won't be using this crap for long. As the game progresses Cerian weapons will quickly out pace Human weapons because Cerians are just more technologically advanced than Humans. HOwever a Human can use any races equipment after it's been modified so the tech imbalance is only temporary.
1 Pulse Pistol/Sonic Pistol (can be modified, which one you get depends on race)
1 Set of "Light Armor Clothes" (pretty much useless)
1 First aid Kit (only works on chosen race)
1 HtH weapon of choice
1 Ion Pistol (cannot be modified)
1 Ion Rifle (can be modified with a scope only)
1 Set of "Light Body Armor"
1 First Aid Kit
6 Stims (2 Healing, 2 End., and 2 Agi/Spd)
Cerian Only equipment, mainly because you'd have to be in their armor to use this stuff. The weapons you get depends on the skills you choose at character creation. If you choose to put points into "Pistols" then your armor will accomodate your "will" and provide you with a "Pistol". It may be built into the arm of your suit, but it will still give you all the benefits of using a pistol, like speed and concealability, while giving some of the con's as well, like lower damage, shorter range. Your suit will also regenerate you as well depending on the level of your "First Aid" skill. The higher the skill, the more damage you'll naturally regenerate. You can also actively use a "First Aid Kit" to increase your healing speed, which is provided. Your armor will also offer better protection at the beginning than any other race, however the Cerian starting area is also MUCH more dangerous. Cerians do produce weapons that can be used instead of, or in conjunction with the weapons their armor develops for them.
1 Masking Generator
1 VibroKnife
1 Gauss Rifle (already scoped, no other mods possible)
1 First Aid Kit
This depends on your skills. You'll get up to 3 items depending on your chosen skills, as follows.
Mining = Mineral Extractor
Armorer "Weapons" = Modifications Kit
"Armor" = Armor Repair Kit
First Aid = Multi-Species Trauma Kit
Hacking = 1 "Attack", 1 "defense", and 1 "bypass" GCN program with 1ghz external drive. (Machie'Na don't need external devices for the actual interface into the GCN, but they do need external storage devices)
Programming = 1ghz external drive.
"Basic Craft"
Is also determined by your chosen skills, same as above however this leans towards crafting related items only.