Do you actually know what you're doing?
There are many skills in TFS, some are pretty apparent in their usefulness, some not so apparent. Below is a list of the most common skills used, and their definitions of what they are, and how to use them.
You don't have to do a skill check for each time you do something mundane. Like you don't have to do a skill check to drive your car. (you need the skill though) you only do a skill check when something challenging, dangerous, or possibly fatal comes up. If you're driving a car and you hit a slick spot you need to do a skill a check to see if you recover control of the car. Failure means you swerve off the road and possibly hit a tree, critically failing means you
swerve into oncoming traffic and slam head on.(always referee's discretion)
Skill Name |
Base Stat |
Acting |
Int/Cha/Comp |
Archeology |
Int/Comp |
Art |
Cha/Agi |
Astrogation |
Int |
Athletics |
Str/End/Agi |
Awareness |
Int/Comp |
Biology |
Int/Comp |
Brawling |
Str/End/Agi |
Bribery |
Cha/Int/Comp |
Broker |
Int/Char/Comp |
Carousing |
Int/Cha/Comp |
Combot Techniques- |
Piloting |
Agi/Str |
Missiles |
Int/Comp/Agi |
Gunnery |
Agi |
Melee |
Dex |
Communications |
Int/Comp |
Computer Techniques- |
Hacking |
Int/Agi/Comp |
Programming |
Int/Comp/End |
Demolitions |
Int/Comp/Agi |
Disguise |
Int/Comp/Cha |
Int/Comp |
Electronics |
Int/Comp |
Engineering Tech- |
Robotic |
Int/Comp |
Armorer |
Int/Comp |
Weapons |
Int/Comp |
Spacecraft |
Int/Comp |
Cybernetic/Bionic* |
Int/Comp |
Fast Talk |
Cha |
First Aid |
Int/Comp |
Gambling |
Int/Comp/Cha |
Gun Combat- |
Pistol |
Agi |
Agi/Str |
Rifle |
Agi/Str |
Heavy |
Str/End |
Energy* |
Int/varies |
Gunnery; Spacecraft |
Agi/Int |
Human Perception |
Comp/Cha |
Interrogation* |
varies |
Language* |
Int/Comp |
Law |
Cha/Int/Comp |
Mechanics- |
Spacecraft |
Int/Comp |
Robotics* |
Int/Comp |
Medical* |
Int/Comp/Agi |
Pilot- |
Spacecraft Fighter |
Agi/Str/End |
Corvette |
Int/Str/Agi |
Battleship |
Int/Comp/Cha |
Cargo |
Int/Comp |
Land based vehicles |
Agi/Str |
Pick Locks |
Int/Agi |
Pick Pockets |
Agi/Int/Cha |
Sensors |
Int/Comp |
Stealth* |
varies |
Streetwise |
Cha/Int |
Survival |
Comp/Str/End |
Tactics |
Int/Comp/Cha |
Trader |
Int/Cha |
Zenobiology |
Int |
* please read skill descriptions closely for more specific information
Acting = Used in conjunction with "disguise", this is the ability to fool people by acting like someone else. Intelligence determines how well you know the part, "charisma" to determine how believable the acting is, and "comprehension" to tell whether you're pulling it off or not.
Archeology = The study of ancient civilizations, this is an Educated skill meaning that this skill can only be bought during a "Career". It may be improved at any time though if experience is put into it. Used to determine the value of relics, and/or improves the chances of finding lost technology. Or possibly turning it off and keeping it from killing you.
Art = The ability to depict people and/or objects with both beauty and accuracy uses the Dexterity Stat. Can be/When used in conjunction with Disguise, uses both Agility and Charisma. Also adds to the overall value of crafted goods.
Astrogation = The ability to navigate though space using instrumentation and star charts. This is an Educated ability therefor it can only be purchased through a Career, although Bentrines are naturally gifted in Astrogation, therefor they may take it outside of a career without any penalties. You may take this skill outside of a Career, but costs double exp to increase till lvl 5. The higher this skill is, the faster your ship travels and the less wear and tear your ship takes.
Athletics = This skill is good for long distance chases which would use the Endurance Stat., while dodging a trap would use the Agility stat. improves running speed, decreases endurance loss, and improves dodge chances from explosions.
Awareness = An individuals ability to see details, a Private Investigator would need a good score in Awareness. Helps to notice traps, small details, and has a chance of finding more/better items during looting.
Biology = The study of living organisms and how they function. This is an Educated skill therefor it can only be purchased in a "Career", although Machin'a are naturally gifted with this skill, therefor they may take the skill outside of a career. Increases all medical skills effectiveness, also increases deamge inflicted to other beings by small amounts.
Brawling = Basic down and dirty unarmed swing at anything that moves street fighting. This skill is used to cover all forms of unarmed fighting. Fighting is fighting, how skilled you are is more important than how you fight. The more points you put into the skill, the more moves you get. At skill level 10 you start getting moves that resemble various martial arts.
Bribery = The ability to get someone to do something for you in a less than honest fashion whether it be with money, favors or some kind of exchange.Intelligence allows you to figure out what it is a person wants, Comprehension allows you to understand the best way to approach the person, and Charisma will help you actually do the bribing.
Broker = Coming soon
Carousing = Enables you to mingle in crowds and gleam information from the general gossip that goes on. Information that could be picked up might be about jobs whether legal or otherwise, locations of known pirates, or red herrings. A special table is rolled on based on statistics which determines what information they get, and the legitamacy/accuracy of the information.
Combot Techniques = Covers the operation of Combat Robots, or ComBot. You need the piloting skill in order to do anything but fall over. You'll need the individual weapons skills in order to do anything else. Basic piloting gives you a skill equal to 1 in all combat abilities, however if you critically fail a roll, it's 5 times worse than usual. A failure that might have equated to a temporary weapon jam, might turn into the weapon exploding and taking the arm holding it completely off. The basic piloting bonus point to combat skills no longer applies once the individual combat skills are bought.
Missiles = Allows the effective use of dumbfire rockets and lock on guided missiles. The higher the skill is, the less time it takes for lock-ons, better accuracy, and more damage done.
Gunnery = Covers the use of energy and projectile ComBot weapons. Basically any sort of "gun" type of weapon, whether hand held like a rifle, or mounted. Higher skills means better accuracy, more damage.
Melee = When the guns run out of ammo, and the racks run dry you better be able to pick up that arm you just blew off and be able to defend yourself with it. It takes skill to keep your Bot on it's feet while up close and dirty. Higher skill gives better accuracy, more damage, and a broader range of weapons to effectively use.
Communications = Allows the use of deep space communication devices. Low skill could make important messages garbled, or may make your important and ENCRYPTED message not so private anymore and fall into the wrong hands. Higher skill gives better encryption/decryption, and longer range.
Computer Techniques = If you can't use a computer, you must live in a cave. Programming and hacking however are two entirely different concepts.
Programming = The ability to write your own programs for use on the GCN or Droids. Higher skill levels makes your programs smaller, less errors, and more robust. Does not allow the writing of "bypass" software.
Hacking = Hacking allows the decryption of passwords, and allows the ability to use/write illegal "bypass" software. Used for everything from cracking open cred-cards, passwords, and can be used to bolster the Communications skill to speed up the decryption of encrypted communications.
Demolitions = Pretty self explanatory, more skill means less accidents, and bigger booms. Also allows for disarming of traps, and setting of traps and anti-personel mines.
Disguise = The art of making you or someone else look like,, someone else. Whether for amusement, or less dubious goals. Best used with Acting. I mean just cause you look like Jesus doesn't mean he used ebonics.
ECM = "Electronic Counter Measures" grants you the ability to jam missiles, jam communications, and to jam other peoples ECM with ECCM. (Electronic Counter Counter Measures). With high skill levels you can cause missiles to veer off target, completely block instead of intercepting transmissions, jam radar/Ladar and various other nastiness. When combined with skills like hacking, you can reprogram the guidance system of incoming missiles, and make them retarget the craft that fired the missiles in the first place.
Electronics = The ability to fix small extronic equipment. Computers, radios, and with higher skill levels even the electronics on ships like the guidance systems etc. Can be augmented with engineering and mechanical skills depending on situations and Ref's discretion.
Engineering Tech = Engineering covers the various crafting branches. Whether it falls into armor making, Robotics, weapons, and/or spacecraft.
Robotic = Points in this skill allow you to build custom made robots, when combined with Programming you can make custom and very realistic Androids capable of carrying out tasks above and beyond that of normal robots. Very high levels of this skill allow the construction of ComBots.
Armorer = Grants the ability to make custom made armor, which in turn keeps your ass in one peice. When combined with Robotic Engineering, it allows the contruction of Power Armor.
Weapons = The lifeblood of the universe unfortunately. Make your own death machines with this skill. When combined with Cybernetic/Bionic engineering, allows weapons to be built into artificial limbs. Also a useful skill when used with Robotic Engineering.
Cybernetic/Bionic = This skill is near useless without Biology, and/or Medical. Without the aforementioned skills, you can repair Bionic parts only. With you can design and build Cybernetics and Bionic parts. Combined with Medical you can implant them as well. Cybernetics are replacement parts designed to be as natural looking as possible. They do tend to give greater benefits than the original. Bionics are obvious replacements, generaly very mechanical looking replacements generally designed for extreme conditions, whether it be working in mines, or blowing stuff up.
Fast Talk = The art of bullshit, talking your way out of a confrontation is sometimes better than shooting your way out. This skill is what does it for you. This skill can augment Carousing and many others at referee's discretion.
First Aid = Quick healing in a pinch. Allows you to near instantly heal a person as long as they haven't dropped below half HP. This skill equates to faster regeneration for Cerians, where as all other races have to actively learn First aid. First Aid is only meant as a quick fix, as in real life. It can be a life saver, but don't expect it to bring you back from the brink of death without high skill levels.
Gambling = Card games, Craps, checkers, whatever your flavor, this covers all games of chance. High skill levels in Gambling doesn't necessarily mean you're good at cards. It could equate to "luck", or card counting in Role-play terms.
Gun Combat = "The" way to kill people. Forget scythes, forget power hammers, forget Retribution +1. All of that's meaningless when you can pull out a pistol that shoots magnetically sealed capsules of death at 1000 rounds per second.
Pistol = Any projectile/Energy weapon small enough to be held with one hand and carries less than 20 rounds is considered a pistol. Generally low damage low range weapons. If you don't have a pistol by now, you must not live in America. Some pistols, especially pulse pistols are full auto capable, and many are small enough to be concealed.
SMG = Or Sub Machine Gun is actually just a pistol with more ammo. Same range and damage as a pistol, just more bullets and generally lower accuracy due to their small size and lower stability while firing.
Rifle = This covers any long range low calibre weapon, or high calibre single shot sniper weapons. (no fully automatic .50 calibre here, .50 cal sniper rifles yeah)
Heavy = Covers bazookas, missile launchers, RPGs, and heavy auto-fire weapons. Kiss the guy who invented mini-guns, this skill's for you. This also covers the placement of anti-vehicle/Mech landmines. Demolitions covers the disarming of mines.
Energy = is a part of the above, "Pistol" covers all projectile pistols, whether they be chemically fired, magnetically fired, or thrown with a rubberband. "Energy Pistol" covers all pistols that rely on damage to be dealt by any other means other than kinetic.
Gunnery: Spacecraft = gives you the ability to operate ship turrets/weapons effectively. You may still operate turrets, but you'll suck and probably shoot your own ship. Higher skill levels allows you to do fun things like rerouting power from life support to buff up your next attack. Be sure to take Athletics if you do this so you will be able to hold your breath longer for lack of life support.
Human Perception = This is the skill that all women think they have that grants them the ability to read every mans mind and think they know everythign about them. Basically it grants you the ability to "read" a person and determine things like mood ETC. High skill levels allow you to effectively know if someone is lying to you or not. Can be used in conjunction with skills like Trader to tell if you're being swindled, and may allow you a chance to retry a failed Trade roll because you've got a gut feeling you're being screwed.
Interrogation = When you must get info from a sentient being, you need good Interrogation techniques. Whether it be with drugs, violence, threats, or sitting in an airlock as the sirens are wailing. Can be used in conjunction with many skills to gain bonuses. When used with Medical, you may drug the person, or cut them in just the right spots to get more info. If used with Brawling, you just bluntly beat them sensless. Refs discretion as usual.
Language = All races can speak their own language with relative ease. (unless you live on Earth with that weird Ebonics language). But you can't just magically understand every other race out there. This is a passive skill, which means you automatically use it if you're around folks that speak a different language. The more intelligent and Comprehending you are, the faster you learn a language. You MUST know a language at least 75% in order to use skills like Fast Talk, Carousing ETC. Otherwise, well you'll probably just get shot when you ask "Did your momma just drink toilet water?".
Law = I AM THE LAW, is what you're going to be hearing if you don't know that it's illegal to walk forward on a Sunday on that backwater planet you just landed on. It's basic education of varous interplanetary laws and red tape. Can also help you smuggle items more effectively, and if used right allows you to sucker people into better prices for carrying illegal cargo. Also bolsters bribery skills when you get busted for smuggling. You must have a Law skill of 8 before you can take bounty hunter missions.
Mechanics = The ability to fix stuff. This branch of skills does not allow the creation of items, just the fixing of stuff.
Spacecraft = Allows you to keep your craft in tip top shape, patch holes in the armor, scrub the space goo out of the intakes and make minor modifications. Can make minor modifications with this skill up to the same amount as the skill level up to 5. Example, you have Spacecraft mechanics at level 4, means you can make a modification on your ship that improves performance by up to 4%. Anything over 5% requires engineering skills.
Robotics = rules as spacecraft, however this can be used in a pinch to repair damaged Bionic limbs. The bionic limb can't be damaged more than 50% for this skill to be effective.
Medical = Healing at it's finest, grants the abililty to resucitate people, craft medical items, and heal lots of damage. You must have this skill if you plan on implanting artificial parts into people. This is 100% effective on your race only, and can be augmented with Biology, however to heal a race other than your own it only works at half skill level. Also crafted medical items are race specific.
Pilot = The ability to make it go, whatever that IT may be. You can drive pretty much anything, but keeping it going in a straight line, or from running into something else is an entirely different story.