Notable Equipment
Taken directly from the book "Your First Steps" by Athlon M. Topia II
In this chapter, I've decided to make a list of some of the most used equipment in the 'verse. This is by no means a complete list, just the junk I've seen used the most often.
all statistical info is subject to change as things are more fleshed out and/or playtested
Force Fields/Force Shields
Virtual Armor
Comes in many shapes and sizes, but is generally classified as "light" body armor because it's rarely, if ever, fully environmental. It's becoming very widely used because it's lightweight, can offer a substantial amount of protection, albeit for a short amount of time, and rarely ever needs to be repaired. (so long as the shield emitters don't get damaged) Shields and Fields work the same as their starship sized counterparts.
Virtual Armor works by emitting a "shaped" shield of energy over a small portion of a being's body. It works just like body armor and can be turned off and on instantly. It looks like a slightly lit up version of regular body armor. High tech versions weigh next to nothing, while lower tech versions can be pretty heavy, but most beings really like the "cool" factor of it.
A good friend of mine has a complete set of Virtual Body armor. It's very intimidating to watch him step into a hail of energy blasts, call out "Virtual Armor,, ON!!" and become a juggernaut for 20 seconds.
Virtual Armor type 1= Covers the torso, shoulders, and upper arms.
HP 100
Weight 10 GSP (Galactic Stardard Pounds)
TL 8
Usage Time 25 seconds/Standard P-Clip
Personal Shield
Is Virtual Armors predecessor, it attaches to the forearm of standard body armor and lights up as needed. It works just like an archaic melee shield, but this one is made of energy. I don't know who, but some wise ass attached these generators to his/her/it's chest, head, and legs and that was the beginning of VA. The way the story goes though, is he/she/it was powering these shields with a micro-nuclear battery, and whomever he/she/it was fighting got around behind him and shot him in the back and the whole lot of them went up in a mushroom cloud. Remember boys and girls, friends don't let friends nuke themselves.
Personal Shields are nearly extinct now thanks to VA.
Personal Force Field
PFF's for short, are pretty common in the PS. They emit a fully enveloping field of energy which can protect the user from pretty much anything but radiation and sound. In the vacuum of space they can protect the user from explosive decompression, however the being inside will need a way to recycle their atmosphere, or suffocate. The Field, if configured right, can protect against severe heat and cold and several types of radiation as well. But you suffer loss of protection in other areas. The more types of radiation you modulate the field to protect you from, the more likely projectiles will penetrate it, if using it to protect against the elements, heat, cold, rain, etc. will make it more vulnerable to energy weapons. Generally though, most beings in the 'verse don't go tinkering with the emitters. If you need cold protection, wear environmental armor for example.
PFF's come in many different sizes and power levels. Most run on P-Clips, but they can be attached to any kind of the many conveinently sized mini-generators that can be purchased across the 'verse.
Dynatron Fields Inc. is one of the few legitimate Saurian run companies in the 'verse... Actually I think they're the only one, anyway, they are at the forefront of PFF technology and manufacture nothing but Personal Force Fields. They have dabbled a little in concussion technology, basically using Fields to immitate the knockback effects of pulse weaponry with varying degrees of success. I've seen vids of this tech being used, but no real world demonstrations. In this day and age, if a being doesn't see it with their own eyes/sensors/antennae, then it's just not true.
Dynatron Fields Inc. PFF V. 1
Covers all body locations
AR 15
HP 40
Weight 12 GSP
TL 7
Run time 2 minutes /P-Clip
Body Armor
Body armor comes in a countless number of shapes and sizes, while there are just a few types of shields/fields that adventurers use, it's nigh impossible to list the many types of armors out there. So I'll just list the type that my good friend Distillery wears, which by the way, he's also the one that uses the full body VA set up as well.
BL Heavy Armsmen Light Body Armor (BL stands for Budlight, a friend of Distillery's)
Covers all locations
AR 5
HP 20
Weight 10 GSP
BL Heavy Armsmen Heavy Body Armor (fully environmental, used mainly for zero g and/or hostile environments)
Covers all locations
AR 20
HP 40
40 GSP
I can't remember, but I think originally I had arms having 25% the armor and HP of the main body, legs and the head having 50%. Another instance where I really need my son's input.
BOOMsticks, or ranged weaponry
This is another instance where there are just to many different kinds of guns to put to print. So I'll just list a few my friends use.
A company called "Breaking & Entering", a Human run company that specializes in Pulse weaponry, recently teamed up with the Cerian run company "United Flak" and put out a line of pistols called "Shake and Bake". They utilized an over/under barrel design that can fire a pulse beam and a HI-Laser beam. They can't be fired at the same time, but a skilled gunman is deadly while using this weapon. A quick flick of the wrist and the barrels flip over to fire one beam or the other. They're power hogs, and heavy, but they're dangerous. Oh, I guess I should explain what the "HI" means, it means High Intensity. Normal lasers are meant to fire a split micro second pin-point of light at a target. HI-Lasers fire for a longer period, up to a full second, which means a savvy user can drag the beam across the target and cut it open, while a normal laser just causes a puncture if you will. Keep in mind that all weapons cause a "type" of damage, which will always be listed first in the damage column. Projectile, laser, HI-laser, Magnetic etc etc.
B&E/United Flak "Shake & Bake"
Pulse = 15 (this damage is against unarmored soft targets, against armor the damage is "1")
HI-Laser = 8
Standard P-Clip provides 10 shots Laser, 10 Shots/5 round burst from Pulse. Pulse is rarely if EVER fired in singles. This is 10 shots TOTAL, if you fire 7 laser, you only have 3 pulse left.
Weight 4 lbs.
United Flak "Hellfire" Minigun
Projectile = 60
Backpack = 30 bursts, drum = 4 bursts
Weight = 40 lbs with a drum, 75 lbs with backpack. The weapon itself weighs 25 lbs.
It goes without saying that weapons such as miniguns fire a "spray" of ordinance, all targets in a cone starting from the weapon itself will be damaged. Targets closest to the weapon will take full damage while targets further back will take a percentage. If a target is in the cone, it will be damaged, so only one "to hit" roll is made for the primary target of the attack. If the primary target is hit, then all targets in the cone are hit, with primary target, or closest target to the gun taking full damagae, and all others taking a percentage, roll a D10 once for each additional target in the cone and whatever it comes up as is the percentage of the damage that additional target takes. IE, 2 = 20%, 6 = 60%