Human is, as Human does
Taken directly from the book "Your First Steps" by Athlon M. Topia II
Humans have definately made an impact in the Patrolled Sectors. They've only been here a year and they've calmed the Mon'Za who were hell bent on a jihad against the other races. They're already on the brink of war with the jealous Terrans, and the Saurians can't recruit them fast enough into their pirate clans.
They're not very technologically advanced by any means. Actually being several generations behind the galactic standard. How they managed to come up with a working "Space Fold" FTL drive is beyond me. I believe however that they didn't actually invent it, from what I've seen the Humans have a natural knack for making other peoples stuff work better. What most likely happened is they found the technology on one of the outer planets of the Sol system, backwards engineered it and wound up on our doorstep.
As I mentioned Humans are cabable of taking near any peice of equipment and making it work. Not just repairing their own equipment, but equipment totally alien to them. It was a Human that figured out how to reactivate the moon sized supercomputer we now call the GCN. It was a Human that modified the Terran "Ramps" so that they actually function as intended instead of being high speed death traps. Even though we consider them backwards, in the 5 years they've been here they've advanced our technology by a generation or two.
Humans are bipedal beings that closely resemble Terrans. They resemble them so much many scholars debate if they're related or not, perhaps just transplanted from their actual home planet eons ago. DNA tests have been done, but the Terrans just debunk it with their own tests, or the individuals that have done the test mysteriously dissapear, or change their results. Because of this, Terrans and Humans just don't get along all that well.
Human skin color ranges from pale white to deep space black, with many shades inbetween. They develop hair primarily on the heads, with hair color in as many different colors as imaginable. They are mammalian, and give birth to only 1 child at a time, but are capable of many more births at once. They, like the Saurians, and to a lesser extent the MonZa, are genetically adaptive, meaning they can inter-breed with most other races with ease. I've currently only seen a few Human/Saurian mixes though, which is surprising considering you rarely see a Mon'Za these days without a Human close by.
More information coming soon as I learn more about them.
All the following information is using the GS measurement tables, or "Galactic Standard"
Male Averages:
6 ft/GS
210 lbs/GS
Female Averages:
5 ft/GS
140 lbs/GS
addendums-- Anyone reading below this line, you're more than welcome to clean it up and make it look good. These are things I want to add about the Humans, just not sure how to mash it all together. So I figured I'd just lay it out "matter of factly".
Humans brought to the PS the technology of "Combots". That has been their counter against the more advanced technology of other races. Combots can carry more weaponry, be more heavily armored than a couple of tech-levels more advanced fighter. A Combot in a good pilots hands can dodge and weave out of enemy fire without moving more than a few yards in any general direction while delivering devestating amounts of firepower. The other races are quickly trying to play catch up. Why the other races never went further than power armor is anybodies guess.
Humans also host a regular Combot tournament that the Cerians graciously broadcast on all TCR frequencies, insuring that EVERYONE can see them for free. Tickets for stadium seating are sold out for the next 100 years and Combot sports are quickly taking over as "the" goto sources of entertainment, much to the chagrain of the TCR.
Unsanctioned Combot tournaments can be found across all of the PS, however the Combots built by the other races rarely ever win, they lack something that the Humans seem to have when building Combots.
The Humans recieved territory grants from the Cerian Hierarchy and the Bentrine School equalling a full sector of space. It was a tactical decision as this now acts as a buffer between Terran and Cerian space. This really pissed the TCR off, as a couple of systems in this territory contain planets that are ripe for terraforming or exploitation and the TCR had been trying to outright buy these systems for years.
The Hierarchy and Humans have regular skirmishes and exchanges of fire, but nothing crippling and rarely are any lives lost.
Saurians do not raid Human space, the Humans have figured out how to see through their cloaks and have shot down many Saurian ships.
The Human navy, if you could call it that has started mass producing what they call "Mobile Guns". It's a heavy frigate class of ship that as a main armanent sports a spinal disintegration cannon. They can't fire often, but being hit by one of these weapons can cripple or outright destroy all but the most powerful of warships. They are also equipped with 2 fusion turbine engines which grants them amazing speed and maneuverability. The craft themselves are rather flimsy, but being mass produced and with low crew requirements they are effective. "spinal" weapons run the entire length of a ship and fire in a fixed forward direction. Generally, ships are built around the weapon and have dedicated reactors. They also employ a force field system, and 3 light AA HI-lasers.
Another technology of the Humans that the other races haven't been able to replicate is their disintegration cannons. The Humans can build them, but they admit they don't understand how they work. This technology, like their jump drives was salvaged from an alien vessel in their home system of Sol.
The Humans can't fully replicate the jump drive technology. Currently only the ship that brought them to the PS has a fully functional jump drive. They have however modified it so that it homes in on Terran ramps and they can "jump" to said ramps bypassing hyperspace completely. It can take several hours to charge up the jump drives though.
They have refitted their original expeditionary ship into a battleship. It sports 4 turreted mass drivers that fire 1000lbs slugs at speeds exceeding 18,000 mph. Hundreds of AA railguns are scattered across the ship. A fully functional force field and for the coup detat, a disintegration cannon of immense power. It can outright demolish anything caught in it's path of destruction. As a test of it's strength, the Humans broadcast a test firing of the weapon on a planet in the fringe that had been infested. The planet was the size of Sol's "Earth". The weapon fired for a full 30 seconds and the planet was reduced to 2/3rds it's original size and eventually exploded due to massive volcanic eruptions and tectonic instability.
The beam at it's max width is 20k miles wide and maximum effective range is 1AU. The weapon can only fire once every 20 minutes.
The MonZa favor Humans and spend most of their adventure time in the company of Humans. The Blackship may be on the other side of the PS, but the majority of MonZa not currently serving on the Blackship will either be in Human territory, or be in the company of a Human adventuring group.
The Humans also greatly favor Cybernetic/Bionic modification. While the rest of the PS has had this technology for quite a while, their is a stigma attached to it. With the influx of Human culture and their general acceptance of augmentation is slowly but surely starting to become accepted.
The Humans frown upon, and have outlawed genetic modification in any form in their territory. After the Chihuahua incident, they've decided it just ain't worth it.
The MonZa reguarly abduct Humans and transplant them to one of three MonZa colonies in the fringe. It's become a game of sorts. Several transport ships have been stationed in orbit around the colonies to return the Humans. The MonZa won't state why, and theres no reasoning with them to stop. The abductions seem to be random, and if they take someone with family they'll take the entire family. Some Humans opt to stay and make something out of their new homes. People state that they go to sleep one night, or they'll be in mid stride walking somewhere then suddenly they'll wake up on a new planet with a MonZa of one type or another staring down at them.
The Bentrine School has a Human sitting on their council. The Bentrine consider the Humans to be under their authority but don't force their laws or beliefs onto the Humans as long as the Humans do the same for the Bentrine. However, some of the Human's culture is starting to be adopted by the younger generations of Bentrine.
Human controlled colonies tend to be a melting pot of races and cultures. These different beliefs and philosophies get along well most of the time, but when they don't the antagonists tend to be dealt with in very harsh ways. Humans take pride in their freedoms and openess to new things, but they won't have the safety of their citizens, whether Human or otherwise, jeopardized in any way.
There are Human colonies sprouting up anywhere they'll be alowed to grow. They are industrious and adapt quickly and have no problem falling in line with laws set by whichever species territory they are living in. They have settled many planets within Hierarchy territory. They are welcome as long as they obey Hierarchy laws and trade fairly with Platforms.
One Colony was obliterated by the Hierarchy for being a smuggling hub. You obey the rules, or pay with your lives.
The current Clan Magistrate of the Saurian Expiditionary Clan, or SEC, is a Human female. Clan Magistrate is the highest official designation among the Saurian Clans. SEC is the fourth largest Saurian Clan, and is one of the "Big 4".
Humans unaware of the various anti-AI laws in effect when they first came to the PS also brought many different Android technologies with them. Currently, many of the major races enjoy the benefits of the Humans' Android technologies, despite the AI bans.
The Humans had NOTHING to do with the "iD" virus. Nobody knows what caused it.
The "Rider at the Gates" is Human.
Humans are devout atheists, and have had their histories most altered by the Rider. Before his influence they were a race divided by religious dogma and hypocricy, afterwards they only ever had one major war among their own kind in their entire history.
Humans seem to be more "aware" of altered timelines, and display a higher than average awareness when it comes to the Rider altering time lines. They always seem to know when an event has been changed and always seem to know what the original event was as well.
Humans like to build grand Pyramid structures out of stone in the centers of their major cities. They act as administration centers for the city and surrounding suburbs.
Humans are a mechanical culture. They rely on Combots for defense, Cyborgs and Robots/Androids for heavy labor. It's not uncommon to see a Combot lumbering down the middle of a street, a full conversion 'borg mingling with the buds at a pub, or a robot/Android instructing a group of children on a school outing.
Humans almost exclusively use "Fusion Turbines" for ship propulsion, while not as technologically advanced and safe as other propulsion systems, they're stupidly fast.
Human scientists have theorized that the common use of anti-matter is causing damage to the fabric of space-time and have banned it's use in Human space. They favor cold fusion, power cells, and fusion turbines for power generation.
The Bentrine School has found some merit in the Human's findings and has agreed to cut back on the production and use of anti-matter weapons and reactors.
The primary power source for disintegration cannons is unknown. Again, this technology has been copied without fully understanding it.
The Humans are quick to rally during a bug incursion. They lost their homeworld due to the creatures and it will never happen again. Their "Mobile Guns" are proving quite effective at stopping them. Unlike most of the other major races, Humans will drop ground troops at an infected colony in the hopes of saving lives. Most races will just glass an entire planet. Generally, once a planet has an infection, it's doomed. The Humans don't agree and they'll fight to the bitter end to save a single colony before resorting to orbital bombardment.
Human ships tend to be boxy in shape with a floating bridge (like modern day warships). Mekton Z called certain styles of ships "Ninja Rocketships", basically they looked like a modern day ship, but with rocket engines and sometimes little winglets. "Space Cruiser Yamamoto" is a prime example. Human ships tend to resemble this to a small extent, with an easily recognizable top and bottom. But the bottom is generally as flat as the top with no hull streamling. Mostly only the floating bridge and the recognizable top and bottom is all that would count as a Ninja Rocketship. I only mention this because in space you wouldn't necessarily need space craft, especialy large craft to be streamlined, A "rectangular box" would be the most efficient design for a space craft that is never meant to enter an atmosphere.
Humans distill and sell more alcohol than any other race.